Medical Equipment

We have access to a large network of medical related products, from an assortment of manufacturers. Many hospitals use our services to handle their procurement needs. It would be impossible to list all of the products we carry. However, we carry a variety of products in the following categories:

  Advance Life Support
Basic Life Support
Cardiac Care
Critical Care
Emergency Care
Exam Room
Hospital Furniture
Medical Carts/Trolleys
Operating Room
Oxygen Equipment
Patient Transport
Patient Records/Information
Rehabilitation Equipment
Training Aids

Isolation Chamber

An Isolation Chamber allows healthcare providers to house a contaminated patient to avoid cross contamination and the spread of contagious diseases. There are access points throughout the chamber to allow the healthcare team to treat the patient. The Isolation Chamber is equipped with its own filtration system to provide maximum protection and operational safety for both the contaminated person and operational team. In today’s environment the Isolation Chamber is a necessary life saving apparatus.

Isolation Chamber
Isolation Chamber
Isolation Chamber

Introducing the TURK RESCUE – versatile patient and gear transport apparatus

The TURK is a first responders' ultimate aid to help move injured people and transport mission critical equipment. The TURK is capable of carrying 600 pounds (270 kilograms) of weight, allowing a single person to carry out the task that would require several first responders. The TURK is compact is size and weight and can fit in most emergency vehicles. TURK is designed to fit stokes baskets, ladders, and backboards. When lives are on the line get the TURK on your team!

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Turk Rescue